The Gabbai's Resource - Home

Welcome to The Gabbai's Resource
Read about the November 10, 2023 update.
My name is Joshua Males.
I used to be the gabbai of a shul called
Kehilat Rimonim, located in the old age home in the San Simon neighborhood of
Jerusalem. During my tenure, I began typing up various
documents to assist in the job. I am now making these documents available
via the Internet.
On September 1st, 1997, I moved to the Binyamin region community of
Maale Michmas,
where, on April 2nd, 1998, I was elected gabbai.
Since then, I have continued to update the site.
Special Thanks
To Dr. Baruch Schwartz
of Efrat, my gabba'ut-guru, for answering my questions and for
providing me with a genuine copy of the official Misheberach book
from the Central Synagogue of Givat Rimon, Efrat.
To my nikud experts Moshe Meron (z"l) and Yehudah Cohen of Maale Michmas.
To Micha Males,
my brother, for his HTML wizardry in creating the original page
and for advising me on my frequent updating.
Last Updated Friday, November 10, 2023.
Web site and all contents Copyright 2020, All rights reserved.